
IQ Cloud Secure Platform

Advanced cloud hosting solutions

SaaS on Secure Cloud

Intech has been delivering quality, cloud-based solutions for almost two decades. These range from full-featured solutions that provide the lowest cost to the broadest range of users, through to tailored solutions with specific configurations and enhanced levels of support.

Intech’s secure cloud platform, known as IQ Cloud, currently hosts multiple tenancies. Each tenancy is completely isolated from one another, however compute, network, and storage resources are pooled with a hybrid of physical and virtual resources.

The IQ Cloud design ensure high availability. Two geographically separate host sites run completely autonomously with redundant hardware and virtualisation layers.

All tenancies and solutions are hosted in compliance with the stringent Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM). IQ Cloud, and government hosted tenancies, are independently IRAP assessed.

Within each tenancy, applications are implemented using a tiered layout to separate interfaces, applications and data providing additional security controls as well as adaptability, scalability and robustness.

The Department of Home Affairs hosts a mission critical solution on the IQ Cloud secure platform

Features & Benefits

  • Real-time functionality that can be embedded into a client’s website, mobile app or other application
  • Open architecture and platform agnostic
  • Australian and New Zealand government security cleared staff maintain the secure IQ Cloud platform
  • On-site and hosted solutions
  • Secure platform ensures data privacy
  • 24×7 support, with ongoing service enabled by incident (ticketed) management system
  • Solutions that can be configured quickly and easily
  • Built for rapid integration into any environment
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